Sunday 28 June 2009

Dammit Edward how the hell?!

So apparently I thought that I was being all super-top-secret-agent silent with my pass code for this blog but it appears as though one of the family members has figured it out already.

There is one thing that I despise about this family and its lack of secrets. We know absolutely everything that each other has.

Shame my brothers and my own father can only come up with crappy lies about me then huh

Shame for them that I have genuine proof on each of them…although today is the day that I’d like to be defending myself over those lame ass accusations – but I aint gonna. I’m not wasting my breath to defend myself against lies and if you wanna believe ‘em go on ahead. Isn’t my fault you’re too easily influenced by their cheap tricks now is it?

I’d like to take a moment to thank the readers who aren’t so easily charmed or influenced by those lug heads. Y’all real smart.

And I’ve decided that – because Edward so casually destroyed my blog with yet another mention of himself – that one more can’t hurt.

I’m supplying you all with a video and a picture. That is all. Nothing more and nothing less. I was gonna put all my ammunition thus far into a video but it didn’t work so we’re just gonna have to deal with what we got.

I’m not going to say anything about this – because it more or less speaks for itself.

So here you go: enjoy…

oh hell to it. I am gonna say a few things...
1. Why do you think Eddiepoo chose a human for his 'lover' when every female had been falling head over heels for him - heels over head whatevs.
2. Shame he felt obligated to tansform her.
3. What ever happened with him and Jacob?

Saturday 27 June 2009

Because Edward is becoming the sex I so desperately want to be

I think it's time for me to come clean about a couple of things here.

I've been suspiciously absent from these blogs for the past week and a half - well, have you not looked at my previous posts? My evidence is obviously fabricated - and I've gotta admit that it's getting harder and harder to make stuff up about my brothers and my adopted father. That's primarily why I haven't been on as much.

Secondly, I have to apologize to Edward for all of my fabricated, insulting, and quite obviously untrue shots at him I have previously posted on this blog. I have to admit, I only picked on Edward more to hide my insecurities. Really, Edward is the most perfect, the most handsome, the most intelligent, the most musical, and the definitely the best and most gracious Cullen male in this house - not to mention the one with the best love life. Another admission - I only knock houses down with Rose because I need to feel the attention that it gives me - I need to redeem myself in my eyes.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I'll be seeing you all later, when I come up with enough fabricated evidence to look halfway real.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

When the cat goes away the mice will play

Swim away fugu fish, swim away

You’re all probably thinking… ‘what possessed Emmett to do this’ and at this moment in time I got nothin’

I’m really regretting those damn webcams.

Alas, the fault is all mine and still with the world I must share. Yes…must, your choice of words would probably differ to ‘want’…but the world needs to see what you all really are.

They also need to see that I’m just better.

Dear father, you’re a charlatan. Yes. That’s right. Emmett can use big words too. Oooooh scary.
You’re most likely wondering why I’m accusing you of such; well my ravaged father I think you may have a few ideas why.

One of my most popular webcams (the one that feeds ‘live’ through the internet) caught a rather…disturbing sight earlier today…perhaps these next few words could refresh your memory…

‘ravage daddy. RAVAGE HIM.’

-shudder- I never (and I’m just going to keep repeating the word never) want to be on the other side of that particular conversation.

Hell yeah I went there.

I’ve also another gift for you…since you’ve included mom I think that it’s more than fair that she sees this too. Secretly, I’ve been hoping that she’s following these blogs. Maybe she’ll learn a thing or two about you – I know I have.

Being curious…I’ve just a few questions for you papa…

1. Has it always been a necessity for you need to hold people at gun point to get them to sleep with you?

2. Why do you practice this in the mirror on a daily basis?

3.What in the name of everything fanged and grizzly are you wearing?!

4.Why does this video depict you as a homo?

5.You’re stronger than that…I’d suppose you just didn’t tell her about that rash either…

~Jasper and Edward, your times are yet to come~

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Jasper is the cheat, not's proof.

I don't know about you guys but I most certainly wasn't expecting anything like this coming from Jasper...
1. he's the least attractive of us all
2. bad kisser...the video shows me that much
3. who'd have thought he'd have cheated on the little pixy

*shrugs* each to their own I suppose...

p to the s. I'd like to thank one of my secret sources for this...*shifty eyes* and this blog is dedicated to them.

Edward's shocking statement of the night

I’ve been aiming low (Edward) so I’ve been told that it’s time to pitch up my game.

Shamefully, I’ve got to admit, that I’m still gonna include Edward - just for kicks.

Night times around this place can get boring as hell (when Rose isn’t around) and last night was one of those nights. With that being said I was following my family’s blogs…yes you’re not the only people who follow these things.

Well…what I’ve found is pretty much my ammunition for the next 500 years (thanks loosers)

So last night it was drawn to my attention (nothing ever gets past me) that Edward has been implying Esme whores herself out...

here...I'll quote...

"well, perhaps Esme. She is so giving that she might give a little too much"

‘Shock, horror, Edward how could you?!’

I know. I know. That’s what’s running through all of our minds. Who’d have thought that our dear little Eddiekins would have sunk so low.

Calling his mother a whore - Esme of all people! It’s like comparing mother Theresa with an abuser.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

I’m still working to find out if this is true or not so I’ve reinstalled my secret webcams around the house (yeah that’s right, but you won’t find them this time ;) ).

Now…the questions running through my mind are as follows…

Does Carlisle know his wife is hankering for other males?

Whose design was it to whore Esme out?

Why hasn’t Edward stopped this?

Yes this is Edward’s fault…and Jaspers…and apparently Carlisle’s inability to keep his wife satisfied.

I’m sorry Carlisle but your wife seems to be having symp sex with other blokes…

~Foreverly scarred (and sexy) Emmett

P to the s Eddiepoos your cottage is still standing, but that's no shock - not after I made the comparison of how sexy I am and how sex-less you are...

Monday 15 June 2009

Because I'm the sex

What you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun. Create a new note, copy and paste this message, delete my answers and type in yours. Then tag good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you. The theory is that you will learn one new thing about each of your friends.

1. Emmett
2. Em
3. Monkey man (Rose only)
Not Em-bear *he mutters something about it sounding ‘homo’*

1. Student
2. Hiker…I know it’s a hobby but whatevs
3. Hottest man in this here universe

1. Forks would be where the main house is – our family’s truest of homes.
2. New York where Alice, Rosalie and Esme tried to pursue their acting/modeling careers. *laughs at the memories*
3. Iceland

1. Monster Truck Garage
2. Pimp my ride
3. Cribs

1. Canada
2. England
3. *scribbles down nonsense in this space just for the heck of it*

1. Reading?!
2. I’ve have better things to do with my time.
3. *quickly scribbles down ‘Pride and Prejudice’ hoping that no one will see*

1. Batman – Dark Knight
2. Blades of Glory
3. Harry Potter…the third one – don’t tell Alice

1. Me, fear? HA. I’m fearless
2. (Loosing Rose)
3. *crosses out the ‘3’ with a thick black line*

1. *crosses out the whole question*
2. ~
3. ~

1. Rose
2. Grizzly bears
3. Going online and destroying Eddikin’s self esteem

1. ‘Gummy’ bears
2. Salad? I’m a vegetarian ;)
3. Red wine

1. Tonight
2. Rose and I getting our new summer house
3. Rose and I knocking down our new summer house

1. I had a pet bear…for a couple of days before they made me get rid of him
2. Bella – I owned her in tree jumping or would the correct definition be PWNED?

3. A pet monkey *takes a moment to grieve the loss of Hank*

1. Rosalie – because she loves me (I hope)
2. Bella – she’ll just protest which makes it all the more the fun
3. Edward – he never shuts up so bets he’ll be top replier.

1. Linkin Park
2. Yellow card
3. Muse

1. Baseball
2. Hockey
3. Soccer

1. Red wine
2. Red grape juice
3. Blackcurrant

Edward’s six pack…real or fake?

Fake. End of question. Edward’s got nothing on me. Still I’d like to thank the fangirls with the endless amusement they bring me – and ammunition.

Since Edward thought he’d try to be all hard core and blah I’m choosing to use my new blog to get back at him.

Most recent ‘attack’? His survey he filled out earlier – an attempt to one up me - which I am making a one down.

I’m going to scratch out the boring stuff – just ‘cause I don’t wanna waste my life with this stuff.

1. Eddiekins – you use that when talking to him. Nothing else. Got it?

2. Student that’s ‘cause he’s lazy. He was never even close to being a soldier – trust me. HAHAHAHAHAOHYEAHHAHAHAHAHA Lover he is not. HAHAHAHA. I’m just going to list him as a wanna be comedian - the only funny hits he can get being at himself.

3. We’re going to skip locations.

4. We’re gonna skip TV too. It’s too easy.

5. It would only bore you – believe me - it bored me to hell and it’s still going.


7. SNORE what a girl.

8. …I’m just going to take time to attack his choice of words. Eddiekins you fool you’ve lost her more times than Jasper can count. In the mall…the forest…our house…your house (which is still standing by the way…clearly you’re not doing it right)

9. Again SNORE

10. Your obsessions are just as bland as your personality.

11. Haha you eat like a girl. Female options if you ask me. Perhaps you should have Jacob man you up some more.

12. What you’re looking forward to and what I’m looking forward to are most certainly not the same thing.

13. A cat?! Really?! Surly you could have chosen something more believable. Like a grizzly bear! ROAR.

14. You know my comments are always the best of them all…the others are just tame.

-ignores the rest-

Song time!

Emmett had them shaggy teddy bears [bears]
Jeep with the trim [With the trim]

The whole town was glaring at him

He hit the tree [he hit the tree]

Next thing you know

Emmett got dough-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

Them shaggy teddy bears
And the partner with the looks [With the looks]
He turned around and gave that girl a muscle show [Ayy]
Bella hit the flo [She hit the flo]
Next thing you know
Emmett got dough-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

Emmett got pushed into making a blog

I might have a century on my hands but at least I know how to live it.

Rose pushed me into writing this...apparently a blog is something that the family needs...


yeah so now you're all no longer neglected from learning more about the most amazing dude on the planet.

and I'll keep you up to date with my life and yeah...

Later. Later I'll write you all something.