Tuesday 16 June 2009

Edward's shocking statement of the night

I’ve been aiming low (Edward) so I’ve been told that it’s time to pitch up my game.

Shamefully, I’ve got to admit, that I’m still gonna include Edward - just for kicks.

Night times around this place can get boring as hell (when Rose isn’t around) and last night was one of those nights. With that being said I was following my family’s blogs…yes you’re not the only people who follow these things.

Well…what I’ve found is pretty much my ammunition for the next 500 years (thanks loosers)

So last night it was drawn to my attention (nothing ever gets past me) that Edward has been implying Esme whores herself out...

here...I'll quote...

"well, perhaps Esme. She is so giving that she might give a little too much"

‘Shock, horror, Edward how could you?!’

I know. I know. That’s what’s running through all of our minds. Who’d have thought that our dear little Eddiekins would have sunk so low.

Calling his mother a whore - Esme of all people! It’s like comparing mother Theresa with an abuser.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

I’m still working to find out if this is true or not so I’ve reinstalled my secret webcams around the house (yeah that’s right, but you won’t find them this time ;) ).

Now…the questions running through my mind are as follows…

Does Carlisle know his wife is hankering for other males?

Whose design was it to whore Esme out?

Why hasn’t Edward stopped this?

Yes this is Edward’s fault…and Jaspers…and apparently Carlisle’s inability to keep his wife satisfied.

I’m sorry Carlisle but your wife seems to be having symp sex with other blokes…

~Foreverly scarred (and sexy) Emmett

P to the s Eddiepoos your cottage is still standing, but that's no shock - not after I made the comparison of how sexy I am and how sex-less you are...


Kneeduh. :] said...

I'd defff tap that ;D

..Em of course.

....Side comment.
Someone's gonna get an ass-whooping, boys.
& it won't be pleasurable.

Jaspurr Whitely Halez said...

Jasper crossed his arms and lifted an amused brow. "Emmett? How do you suppose I had anything to do with that? I'm luckily not involved in the Esme rumour."

Emmett George Hayle said...

Emmett shrugged "I dunno, you tell me why you didn't cool her raging emotions."

Nidhi said...

You're way too muscular. Sorry, Emmett. You're not the sex. On the other hand, Jasper is. And Edward, too. Then Carlisle. Then you.

Well, maybe Carlisle and Edward are equal. I don't know.


Emmett George Hayle said...

WTH, CARLISLE?! -shudder- you people are so wrong...but clearly if you didn't think I was the sex you wouldn't be here now would you. -winks-

Rosalie Hale said...

You know Nidhi, it's okay that you don't think my love is sexy because he is mine after all. If you want to pine after Edward, Jasper or Carlisle, by all means go ahead. However, I warn, the pixie does bite, hard...and Esme, well she has quite the temper. Bella, you haven't seen her bad side. So just be careful what you wish for.

Emmett George Hayle said...

Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it, yeah you just might get it -Emmett gets up and dances around the room, singing-

Nidhi said...

Umm, Emmett, I am not here reading your blogs coz I think you're sexy :P But because I find these blogs... sort of funny.
But funny, or not, I always like reading blogs, so...

And, Rosalie, I don't want to pine after anyone. Thank you very much. I just said they're better looking than Emmett. That doesn't really mean anything. :S
I couldn't help but laugh at the last bit of your comment, Rosalie. "Bella, you haven't seen her bad side." No offense to Bella (Or Edward), but that's a little funny.

Hmm, I do sound like I'm making a mockery of you all. But I'm not. I don't intend to.

... Or maybe I do ...

But, then again, these are the blog wars. So making fun of people is allowed. Isn't it?

Emmett George Hayle said...

Nidhi, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you over to team Emmett! ;) you got spunk girl.

Nidhi said...

Hmmm, maybe I'll just join your team, then. Hi5. ;) :P

Jaspurr Whitely Halez said...

Nidhi, you'll soon learn which one of the Cullen boys is better. ;) And I know it won't be Emmett!

Unknown said...
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