Saturday 27 June 2009

Because Edward is becoming the sex I so desperately want to be

I think it's time for me to come clean about a couple of things here.

I've been suspiciously absent from these blogs for the past week and a half - well, have you not looked at my previous posts? My evidence is obviously fabricated - and I've gotta admit that it's getting harder and harder to make stuff up about my brothers and my adopted father. That's primarily why I haven't been on as much.

Secondly, I have to apologize to Edward for all of my fabricated, insulting, and quite obviously untrue shots at him I have previously posted on this blog. I have to admit, I only picked on Edward more to hide my insecurities. Really, Edward is the most perfect, the most handsome, the most intelligent, the most musical, and the definitely the best and most gracious Cullen male in this house - not to mention the one with the best love life. Another admission - I only knock houses down with Rose because I need to feel the attention that it gives me - I need to redeem myself in my eyes.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I'll be seeing you all later, when I come up with enough fabricated evidence to look halfway real.


Rosie said...

oh! that last post was soooo written by Edward! It has his name all over it! lol besides Emmett is too proud to write something of this sorts!

Anonymous said...

Since when is Eddiekins an expert hacker?? Because this so has his name on it. A little subtlety goes a long way Eddie dear. Did Renesmee teach you how to hack into Emmett's account? You're obviously too old.... 108 after all!

hearyoumee said...

Hahaha, this has Edward written all over it!